Food and Nutrition Summit

Conference Theme : Food Technology and Innovations

Dr. David Galan-Madruga

National Center for Environment Health Researcher from Carlos III Health Institute, Spain


Dr. David Galán-Madruga is a National Center for Environment Health Researcher from Carlos III Health Institute. He is responsible for the Environmental Health research group. In 2004, he received the Ph.D. degree from Madrid Complutense University. He has a Master of Engineering (Computer Engineering). He is an expert in instrumental techniques for characterizing materials from the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Chemistry Sciences Faculty, Madrid Complutense University (where he acts as an honorary collaborator). He has a professional career of 25 years in scientific investigation (which is reflected in numerous published research in high impact factor Journals, as well as multiple scientific character reports) and management field (acting as a regular member in Scientific and Organizing Committees for international congress, seminars, or webinar). He is a principal investigator in various investigation projects, scientific-technical adviser, Thesis, and Master End Works director. He is the Editor of the Annals of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ISSN: 2574-0350, and the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, ISSN: 2766-2276, as well as a member of the Editorial Board of the Annals of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care.